your community or your social media Ws Numbers List and by highlighting your free giveaway in your podcast, you can also link such a Ws Numbers List free giveaway to your podcast. In this way, different channels reinforce each other, Ws Numbers List so that you collect interesting leads. You can then send these leads valuable content in the form of emails, videos or audio files. Ultimately, these leads are warmed up to start
working with you or buy a product from Ws Numbers List you if you make an offer. Earning model 5: crowdfunding In America, this fifth Ws Numbers List revenue model is regularly applied and in the Netherlands you see it more and more. Ws Numbers List For example, the American Mike Schubert has a podcast about Harry Potter books. Pretty exciting you might think. But he has a huge number of listeners,
his podcast has been downloaded Ws Numbers List more than 50 million times. And by linking his podcast to Patron (a membership Ws Numbers List platform) he can live off that podcast. So it can be that simple! Do you think that this Ws Numbers List is only possible in America? There are also special platforms in the Netherlands, such as ' Pete Aft ' and ' Virender van de show ', which include podcast