Speciality (LARGE) lighting

The lightbank provides soft even illumination for all subjects. The shape of the lightbank produces a slick , soft but sharp, "studio look" highlight reflection in automobiles or any reflective surface.
The lightbank is 10ft x 30ft and hangs from a remote controlled ceiling hoist in Stage B or a remote controlled gantry crane in stage C. In stage C it can be positioned anywhere within the 40x40x40 cove.
Tungsten Balance - The lightbank comes equipped with 5,000 watts tungsten lighting which may be increased to 10,000 watt
Flash - The lightbank comes equipped with 10,000 watts seconds flash power, which may be increased to 20,000 watt seconds at additional cost.

The 16 x 34 Ft seamless white surface provides the ultimate in lighting control for the "Master of Lighting".
It can produce soft modeling of contours or razor edge highlights and reflections to create effects such as paint so shiny that it looks wet.
The flying flat hangs from a remote controlled gantry crane and can be positioned anywhere within the cove area of stage C.
It can tilt to any angle or all the way to vertical if desired, and can be raised to nearly 20 ft. or lowered nearly to the floor.
Our large tungsten lighting package is recommended or you are welcome to bring your own lights and grip

Add your own lights or rent ours.
The lighting grids covers 32 ft x 50 ft.
The main grid is 32 x32 ft.
Two additional truss sections that operate independently are for background hanging and for background lighting.
The grids drop from the ceiling by remote control for loading and returns to the desired working height by remote control.

Each of the stages is available pre-lit with space lights hung from the overhead grid. Shown here in Stage "C" are 20 lights arranged in 4 rows of 5 lights.
We keep a total of 30 of these space lights available in stock.
The director's chair in the corner of cove "C" is for scale. The cove floor is normally white but can be painted any color needed. (Shown in Grey)
Not visible is the in-floor turntable in stage C.
Used for infomercials or any large sets that need soft even illumination and efficent production.

Pre-lit Green Screen is available with a soft overall illumination. Available in Tungsten or Daylaght balance.
Ready when you arrive.
Just set your key light and any accent lights and you are ready to shoot.
GreenScreen is available in ALL stages .Reserve in advance. (Tech note: Digital Green)
For studio rentals contact Don Dormeyer 714-342-3259 Email: Don@RedGumCreativeCampus.com
Red Gum Creative Campus 2983 East Miraloma Anaheim, CA 92806