This is how ExoPlayer Live Streaming is a fully Latest Mailing Database alternative to the native MediaPlayer API, providing a convenient API for streaming video and audio across all devices. It is now used by thousands of apps, including the BBC. Alternatives (and why you shouldn't choose them) Of course, ExoPlayer has many Latest Mailing Database successful competitors. They include the following well-known services: Vimeo vimeo exo streaming images vitamins; vitamio exoplayer hls images LibVLC.
However, it is now safe to say that ExoPlayer is Latest Mailing Database better than either of them. Despite the staggering number of subscribers, Vimeo lacks flexibility as the content is only stored on its servers and provides iframe links to play in a WebView. This can significantly reduce the performance of the Latest Mailing Database application. Vitamio is popular because it is based on the popular FFmpeg library and has many useful features. However, it's a non-free service, so not many people are ready to use it. LibVLC's functionality is Latest Mailing Database limited, as it only handles projects that support the NDK. That's why ExoPlayer is the most popular of these services today.
What is positive? Like any service, ExoPlayer has its pros Latest Mailing Database and cons. Its main advantages include: Implement exoplayer HLS and all its advanced features, such as error handling, etc.; easy to get started; Java foundation that makes debugging successful; multiple formats; Widevine Universal Encryption for Android 4.4 and higher is fully supported. Fully customizable control components; Possibility to play audio and Latest Mailing Database video in the stream; Subtitle support; Google Cast SDK support, enabling it to work with a TV or sound system; Media source usage.