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Historic Homestead Home,


One of the few remaining residences in the area the Historic home has been here over 100 years and is considered one of 109 places of historical interest in Anaheim. It is in remarkabley good condition after a recent facelift with paint and pavers and scrubbing off 100 years of farming history.


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Now in the center of the 'Anaheim Canyon Center for Advanced Technology," it originally was the homestead for a huge orange grove and later a large chicken ranch. The house was owned by the same family until it was purchased by photographer Don Dormeyer in 2007 to build the Red Gum Creative Campus.


Slated to be torn down, close inspection by Don showed remarkably strong construction that, along with its historical significance made it worth saving.

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For studio rentals contact  Don Dormeyer 714-342-3259  Email:

Red Gum Creative Campus   2983 East Miraloma   Anaheim, CA 92806  

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